The activity of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia is aimed at maintaining a favorable competitive environment between the markets participants, stimulating them to develop new technologies and search for more effective methods of manufacture. This is where our objectives coincide with the objectives of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.
Over the past years, Rosatom achieved considerable success in developing its procurement system, creating new instruments ensuring transparency and openness, as well as increasing effectiveness of procurement activity. Its procurement system created in the nuclear industry is considered to be almost exemplary. But the modern conditions in which the markets function, increased international activity of Rosatom, and development of new business lines require improvement of procurement activity mechanisms. The Federal Antimonopoly Service is ready to continue its cooperation with the state corporation in order to develop measures for improvement of the procurement system in the nuclear industry.
Certainly, improvement of the procurement activity regulating system is impossible without tight cooperation of regulators, customers and suppliers, non-governmental organizations and experts. Hence, the ATOMEX International Forum provides a unique opportunity for a constructive discussion of the issues of procurement system further development, law enforcement practice, and exchange of experience.
I am sure that the participants and the guests will find new solutions and ideas on the platform of the 9th International Forum of the Nuclear Industry Suppliers ATOMEX 2017. I would like to wish you all successful work!
Igor Artemyev
Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia