Welcome, dear guests and participants of the 9th International Forum of the Nuclear Industry Suppliers ATOMEX 2017!
Over the last few years, Rosatom has made remarkable progress in expanding competition and improving transparency and integrity of the purchasing process. We observe positive dynamics in these key indicators. However, as the volume of foreign orders grows, strict provisions of the international agreements and specifics of legislation in the partner countries are becoming serious challenges. Another important factor is the implementation of Rosatom’s new product strategies in the domestic and foreign markets. In this context, the future development of Rosatom’s purchasing system is aimed at meeting the vital conditions of quality and timing.
ATOMEX Forum has always been efficient in discussing current issues of purchasing activities in the nuclear industry, as well as in exhibiting innovative technologies and products. I hope this year it will be as successful as ever before!
I wish you positive and fruitful work, new exciting meetings and success in achieving your goals!
Alexey Likhachev
Director General, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM