Equipment of control systems, protection, automatization, diagnostics, monitoring and measurement
Barometers, deaerators, extenders, separators
High-voltage equipment, transformer equipment
Water treatment equipment, wastewater treatment
Gas cleaning equipment, filtration equipment
Hydraulic equipment
Lifting equipment, machinery, mechanical performance components and systems
Remote and robotic servicing systems
Information technology, design technology, supercomputer technologies
Pressure compensators
Integrated security systems, safety equipment, inspection systems, equipment limitations and access control equipment for detection of radioactive, explosive and toxic substances
Hatches, doors, locks, ventilation equipment and air conditioning systems
Installation and commissioning work, repair
Pump equipment
Laboratory equipment, furniture, clothing
Equipment for oil and gas pipelines
Running water and sewage equipment, filter equipment
Main and auxiliary equipment of the reactor compartment
Printing and souvenirs in the nuclear industry
Devices and instrumentation
Instruments and equipment for utilities
Production of medical equipment, medical supplies
Software and hardware, software of the control system
Processing of technological, industrial and domestic waste