Forum of Nuclear Industry Suppliers “ATOMEX-Europe”
25–26 October 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Event format:
Main goal: To broaden a range of suppliers of products and services for construction of nuclear power plants to Russian designs. Development of practices of open cooperation with national suppliers.
- European nuclear power equipment producers and suppliers;
- Leading companies of nuclear power industry from Russia and worldwide;
- Representatives of public authorities and non-governmental organizations;
- Mass media.
Key speakers: executives and specialists of companies supplying equipment and services; the Russian participants are representatives of ROSATOM, Atomstroyexport, Atomenergomash, Atomenergoproektб SPbAEP, OJSC «NIAEP», Rosenergoatom Concern, JSC TVEL etc.
Main themes
- International cooperation in building nuclear power plants
- Cooperation in fabrication of nuclear fuel
- Cooperation in machine engineering
- International cooperation in decommissioning of nuclear facilities and SNF and radwaste management
- Financial and organization approaches to international cooperation in construction of NPPs
- Experience of equipment suppliers for ROSATOM’s nuclear build projects
- Construction of Russian design NPPs abroad
- Modern NPP designs. Safety of NPPs with Generation III+ nuclear reactors
- Construction of NPP in Russia. Roadmap
- How to become a nuclear industry supplier:
- Quality requirements for supplies of equipment to Russian nuclear facilities;
- Special requirements for suppliers involved in construction of NPPs to Russian projects abroad;
- Technical requirements of the Russian utility to nuclear equipment suppliers.
The Forum will be held on thematic meetings by product suppliers with presentations and discussions on the procurement: technical specifications, quality requirements, the main sections:
- Machine-building equipment
- Electrical Equipment. Cables
- Automatic machinery and equipment, control system
- Equipment for handling spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
- Construction works and materials